Realisation of a building project destined either for personnal home or to put on rent after a saving period.
Product Characteristics :
Conditions for eligibility :
Existence of a housing savings plan that has got to maturity.
Purpose :
- Main housing
- Secondary or retirement home
- A rental house
Eligible persons :
Physical persons
Duration :
from 25 to 300 months depending on the borrower power
Interest rate :
4,193%HT or 5% TTC.
Grace period :
From 1 to 18 months.
Apport personnel minimal :
10% du coût du projet sous réserve de la capacité d’endettement de l’emprunteur.
Minimum deposit :
10% of the project cost depending on the borrower power.
Maximum amount :
- 03 times your saving capacity
- 150 millions FCFA
Maximum amount :
- 03 times your saving capacity
- 150 millions FCFA
Financed operations :
- Land purchase
- Land purchase + Construction
- Construction of accommodation
- Acquiring of accommodation
- Acquiring of accommodation +completion works
- Upgrading and finishing of accommodation
- Mortgage refinancing loan
- Mortgage refinancing loan + completion works
Guarantee :
- First motgage;
- Life and Incapacity insurance;
- Fire insurance.
Additional Documents for Ordinary Housing Savings Loan :